Wholesale Market woocommerce extension that empowers your shop with the capability to create wholesale users and give special privilege to them by setting product’s wholesale price.
Wholesale Market 2.1.1 is available now with all new features suggested by WordPress Community. We are getting huge response from the community which keep motivating us to add more useful feature to this plugin and make life easier than never before.
For advance features of Wholesale Market, upgrade to the premium version of Wholesale Market for WooCommerce.
- Create Wholesale-Customer User Role
- Users having wholesale role assigned can buy products at wholesale-price
- Option to enable minimum product to buy
- Add meta-fields in product panel to enter wholesale price for simple as well as variable product
- Option to add common or different minimum product to buy
- Option to save plugin setting on deactivation
- Option to save product meta added buy plugin on deactivation
- Option to show wholesale-price on shop page under Price column
- Option to show wholesale-price to all users or to wholesale users only
- Shows Wholesale-Price on shop page as well as product detail page
- Simple and Easy to use
- Admin can send suggestion and query to CedCommerce using Send Suggestion tab.
- Customization of wholesale-price text on shop-page and product-single-page.
- VAT supported wholesale-price
- TAX Handling
- Wholesale Request Management
- Customer can request to become a wholesale customer.
- Admin can manage the role request manually or the roles can be directly provided.
- Mail Notification
- CSV import/export support is now added to update product meta-fields added by whoelsale-market(wholesale-price, minimum-qty-to-buy).
- Admin can identify wholesale orders at admin orders section.
Wholesale Market Premium Addons
Wholesale Market Product Addon
The Wholesale Market Product Addon is an Extension of Wholesale Market that further enhances the feature of the plugin by providing features like “Global Percentage(%) Discount”, “Quantity Multiplier”, “Range Wise Pricing”, and many more.
✅ **Global Percentage(%) Discount** Utilizing this option admin can set a global discount on regular shop-price(i.e., wholesale-price) for wholesale-customers on all available product’s in WooCommerce shop at once.
✅ **Quantity Multiplier** Utilizing this option you can set a multiplier so that product can be buyed in bunch of that multiplier only. For example, if multiplier=3, then product can be buyed in quanity 3,6,9,12,and so on.
✅ **Consider Variations As One** Utilizing this option admin can set common fields for all variations of a variable product, like “Minimum Quantity To Buy”, “Product Quantity Multiplier”, etc.
✅ **Range Wise Pricing** Utilizing this option you can set “Range-Wise-Pricing” Scheme for a product For Wholesale Users. User can give range-wise discount or can set range-wise price of a product using that.
✅ **Hide Normal Price** Utilizing this option you hide normal WooCommerce-Pricing for Wholesale-Users.
✅ **Wholesale Exclusive Product** Utilizing this option you can set a product wholsale exclusive, and that products will be list automatically in “Wholesale-Shop” page created by admin. This also allows you to create a wholesale-shop page, that will list only wholesale-exclusive products.
**[Get Wholesale-Market-Product-Addon Here]**(
Wholesale Market User Addon
The Wholesale Market User Addon is an Extension of Wholesale Market Plugin that further enhances the feature of plugin by giving freedom to create different user roles and provide different pricing to them.
✅ **Create different user role** Allows to create to different user roles and give different pricing to them.
✅ **Give different pricing to different user role** Admin can employ different pricing scheme for different user role and different pricing conditions that are provided by the plugin.
✅ **Compatible with Wholesale Market Product Addon** To further enhance the feature of User Add-on, you can use Product Add-on as well.
✅ **Enable/Disable TAX for different user role** Gives you freedom to enable or disable TAX for different roles.
✅ **Different Pricing-Text for different user role** Gives you freedom to provide different pricing-text for different roles.
**[Get Wholesale-Market-User-Addon Here]**(
Wholesale Market Reporting Addon
The Wholesale Market Reporting Addon is an ADDON to Generate wholesale market order report for only wholesale customers.
✅ Generate wholesale market order report for only wholesale customers.
✅ Filter the wholesale market order report provided by four given filters.
✅ Generate order report table containing details of the order placed by the wholesale customers.
✅ Admin can export the wholesale order report in the CSV format.
✅ Graph is plotted to map the wholesale market order report.
**[Get Wholesale-Market-Reporting-Addon Here]**(
Wholesale Market Subscription Addon
The Wholesale Market Subscription Addon is an ADDON of the Wholesale Market which extends the role request feature of wholesale market.
✅ Wholesale Market Subscription Addon is an extention of Wholesale Market which extends the role request feature of wholesale market.
✅ Provide customers to subscribe for the wholesale roles for a given period of time.
✅ Customers can select different subscription packages for wholesale role groups defined by the admin.
✅ Eack package contains subscription period in months and days.
✅ Admin can also enable and disable package pricing for roles.
**[Get Wholesale-Market-Subscription-Addon Here]**(
GUIDE – Wholesale Market
For learning more about the setup of the Wholesale Market plugin for WooCommerce, refer to its setup guide.
You can also check out this video to get a quick understanding of the plugin.
Want Help!
- For Plugin Documentation you can visit here
- For Plugin Blog you can visit here
- For More Plugins By CedCommerce you can visit here
Other useful plugins from Cedcommerce to make your web better:
🔸 Hide Price Until Login: Hide Price of the products on shop and product detail page until user is not logged in or until password is entered.
🔸 One Click Order Re-Order: It is used to add any previous order products to cart.After installing this plugin a button having name Re-Order will be added at Order listing section on My Account page next to each orders as well as on order detail page.
🔸 Recently viewed and most viewed products: Recently viewed and most viewed products provides an extra feature to merchant to show recently viewed products and most viewed products on the product detail page and also at any place through out the site by adding given shortcode.
🔸 WP Advanced PDF: WP Advanced PDF is a pdf generator for posts to pages. This plugin enables your blog readers to create pdf of posts of your blog. WP Advanced PDF relies on the TCPDF class to render PDF.
🔸 Shipping & Delivery Date management with gift message: Shipping & Delivery Date management with gift message extension allows selection of delivery date, messaging of gift hampers, shipping address management feature.
Cedcommerce We embarked on the journey of providing best-in-class affordable eCommerce solutions. We came together as a group of hardworking people with a single-minded goal- making eCommerce easier.We believe in providing tailor-made solutions for our clients’ specific needs. Our attention to detail & dedication has helped us become a global leader and a one-stop shop for e-Commerce solutions.
If you need support or have any question then kindly use our online chat window here or send us email at
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General Setting Product Quantity Setting Wholesale price on admin products edit section Wholesale price on single product page CSV import/export setting Role management setting Assign wholesale user role Wholesale role request at admin users table Notification setting Tax setting checkout price setting Send suggestion setting Wholesale price applied on front-end Wholesale orders in orders table
Automatic installation
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Product Auto Share, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type “Wholesale Market” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our Wholesale Market plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.
Manual installation
The manual installation method involves downloading our Wholesale Market plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.
Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.
What is Wholsale Market?
Wholesale Market is a WooCommerce Extension that empowers your shop with the capability to create wholesale-users and give special privilege to them by setting product’s wholesale-price for them.
How to add wholesale price?
In the product panel there will be a field named “Wholesale Price”. Admin has to enter wholesale price of product here.
Who can take advantage of wholesale price?
Only users having role wholesale user will be able to take benefit of wholesale price.
Contributors & Developers
“Wholesale Market” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “Wholesale Market” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- fixed bugs
- Made compatible with WordPress 6.1.1
- Made compatible with WooCommerce version 7.1.0
- Design Enhancement
- fixed bugs
- Made compatible with WordPress 6.0.0
- Made compatible with WooCommerce version 6.6.1
- Design Enhancement
- Compatiblity with Wholesale Market Subscription Addon and Bug Fixes
- Made compatible with WordPress 5.8.2
- Made compatible with WooCommerce version 5.9.0
- Design Enhancement
- Made compatible with WordPress 5.5
- Made compatible with WooCommerce version 4.4.1
- Made compatible with WordPress 4.9.4
- Made compatible with WooCommerce version 3.3.3
- Major issues resolved
- Fixed Bugs
- Compatiblity with Wholesale Market Subscription Addon and Bug Fixes
- Compatiblity with Wholesale Market User Addon and Bug Fixes
- Bug fixed
- Bug fixed
- Compatible with WordPress 4.8.3
- Fixed bug for Grouped Product.
- Fixed bug for Update Cart.
- Bug fixed.
- Bug fixed.
- Made compatible with WooCommerce version 3.0.x.
- Made compatible with Wholesale Market Subscription Addon.
- Send us Suggestions form on the top of every page.
- New feature of requesting to be a wholesale customer by the users.
- Admin setting Page for the Request Management feature.
- support now added to exclude TAX on user-roles created by Wholesale-Market-User-Addon.
- Revised version of plugin. Ready to work with Wholesale-Market-Product-Addon and Wholesale-Market-User-Addon
- “Minimum Product Quantity To Buy” condition check updated.
- Issue with variation product cart page message fixed.
- User can send request to become wholeseller.
- Email notification for handling wholeseller request
- Tax Handing for wholesale role
- Wholesale Order Management
- CSV import/export feature is added.
- Features added to adopt changes in WooCommerce 2.6.4 .
- Support added to VAT for wholesale-price.
- Resolved issue with variable-products on product-page.
- Code optimization for better performance.
- Added remaining strings to make plugin completely translation ready.
- Fixed the error that occured during installation process on wordpress version 4.5.2.
- Added a feature to add custom wholesale-price text on shop-page and product single page.
- Made a fix to show Wholesale-Price. It is now in accordance with WooCommerce currency related settings.
- Made default value of “Who can see wholesale-price” to “Display Wholesale-Price To Wholesale-Customer Only”.
- Important links like Live Demo, Documentation are added on plugin listing page for making plugin more user-friendly and for increasing plugin usability.
- First version